Kim Danbert will host this gathering of Tarot enthusiasts, students and novices alike. At Tarot Club, you will have a Tarot lesson, discuss Tarot Deck Reviews, Tarot Discussions and Tarot Swaps. Bring a Tarot deck to participate and/or bring a Tarot deck to swap for another deck that you might like. All levels of Tarot
Psychic Fair: Saturday, November 17th: 11am - 4pm Sunday, November 18th: 11am - 4pm - Call to reserve your spot(s) - Walk-ins are welcome, but are NOT guaranteed a reading - FREE Admission - 15 minute readings for $15 - Flyer with details and shop coupon (Same as below, but easier to print here.) -
Psychic Fair: Saturday, November 17th: 11am - 4pm Sunday, November 18th: 11am - 4pm - Call to reserve your spot(s) - Walk-ins are welcome, but are NOT guaranteed a reading - FREE Admission - 15 minute readings for $15 - Flyer with details and shop coupon (Same as below, but easier to print here.) -