Kim Danbert will host this gathering of Tarot enthusiasts, students and novices alike. At Tarot Club, you will have a Tarot lesson, discuss Tarot Deck Reviews, Tarot Discussions and Tarot Swaps. Bring a Tarot deck to participate and/or bring a Tarot deck to swap for another deck that you might like. All levels of Tarot
THIS IS AN ON-GOING DEVELOPMENT CIRCLE, EVERY WEDNESDAY! Robin Higgins will host this development circle. It will include: Protection, Meditation, Meet & Greet of Spirit Guides, Interpretation of Signs & Symbols, Energy & Vibrations, Opening your 6 Senses, Psychometry, Dreams and more! BRING A JOURNAL! Class fee is $10. PLEASE CALL IN ADVANCE TO RESERVE
July Paint Night at the Book & Bead Outlet is scheduled. This will be a monthly event with the Paint Theme changing every month. Mark your calendars, and register early. This class will sell out! LIMIT 12. Local artist, Donna Paloy will host our monthly unique spiritual themed class. This will be a fun and
Psychic Fair: Saturday & Sunday, July 21st, 22nd - 11am - 4pm Call to reserve your spot(s) Walk-ins are welcome, but are NOT guaranteed a reading FREE Admission $12 readings In attendance will be: Saturday, July 21st: 11am - 4pm - Kim Danbert – Psychic Medium, Tarologist - Kathryn Flanagan – Intuitive Channel, Tarot, Psychic
Psychic Fair: Saturday & Sunday, July 21st, 22nd - 11am - 4pm Call to reserve your spot(s) Walk-ins are welcome, but are NOT guaranteed a reading FREE Admission $12 readings In attendance will be: Saturday, July 21st: 11am - 4pm - Kim Danbert – Psychic Medium, Tarologist - Kathryn Flanagan – Intuitive Channel, Tarot, Psychic
Our wire wrap instructor, Carol Pacquer, has returned to the Book And Bead to teach wire wrapping. This class is designed for beginners or to improve your existing skills. You can bring your own crystals or cabochons to wrap, or buy a crystal or cabochon here. We have all the class items available in the
Local artist, Donna Paloy, will host a unique spiritual themed painting. BYOB drinks and snacks. No painting experience is required. Class is $30, and must be paid in advance to reserve your spot(s). $30 will include the use of an easel, paints, brushes, etc and you will leave with your very own, personal painting. Limit